Will You Hear the Christmas Bells?
Hardships are nothing new. The world Jesus entered was full of sin and strife. But through that child, our Savior, peace from God came to man. Find out more.
Simeon and Anna
Simeon and Anna were godly people that God had appointed to spiritually bless Joseph, Mary and Jesus when they came to the temple. Likewise the place to find mature, godly people today is in Bible-believing churches. Make it your habit to be there every Sunday to meet with God and be blessed by these saints.
Ordinary People
God uses all people for his purposes, great and small, but its better to be used by design than default.
The Riches of His Poverty
A Puritan's look at how the Lord of all became a servant to His servants to make them rich indeed.
The Prince of Pudunk
We three? Kings? Of orient? Really? Whoever they were, they showed us how to do Christmas right.