Reluctant, Obedient Surrender
Sometimes God asks us to do something really hard. He works in mysterious ways. Ananias and Saul show us the importance of surrender.
Will You Hear the Christmas Bells?
Hardships are nothing new. The world Jesus entered was full of sin and strife. But through that child, our Savior, peace from God came to man. Find out more.
God: In Control, or Controlling?
God told David the city of Keilah would deliver him to Saul. But when David leaves, Saul changes course. How do we reconcile this? And what does it inform us about human choices and God’s control?
A Message of Hope: Our Home
In this final sermon in this series on hope, find out more about the believer's forever home called the New Jerusalem.
A Message of Hope: Our Resurrection
Why is the belief in the future resurrection of Christian believers so important? Paul answers this decisively, approaching it from the vantage point of "what if there was no resurrection?" May this message increase your hope!
A Message of Hope: Our Salvation
What is hope? And how do I know hope will not disappoint? Listen in to find out how our salvation and suffering have much to do with this thing called hope.
Mastering the Basics: Giving, Hospitality, and Acts of Mercy
Where does generosity come from? And what does the Apostle Paul’s encounter with a wealthy businesswoman in Philippi teach us about giving and hospitality? You’ll discover the importance of sharing at the dinner table.
Mastering the Basics: Missions and Evangelism
Who is called to follow Jesus' mission? The early church gives a clear answer, as well as prescribes both the challenges and joys of that mission. One of the biggest questions for us to answer is: are we putting mirrors where we should be putting windows?
Mastering the Basics: Prayer
Circumstances in Nehemiah's life were hard. It would've been understandable if he felt helpless. But Nehemiah set an example for us by earnestly and confessionally praying. Find out more about prayer ...