Sunday, 3. May 2020 Mighty Fortress or Sand Castle (Part 2) Preacher Pastor McDonough How God uses stress for our good Scripture: Matthew 7:24-29
Sunday, 26. April 2020 Mighty Fortress or Sand Castles (Part 1) Preacher Pastor McDonough How you can be certain to stand on Judgement Day Scripture: Matthew 7:24-27
Sunday, 19. April 2020 Recognizing the Wolves Preacher Pastor McDonough God receives us by grace, not good works Scripture: Matthew 7:13-20
Sunday, 9. February 2020 Mall Flowers? Preacher Pastor McDonough Entrust your cares to your heavenly Father rather than worrying. Worry robs us of strength today and provides no help for tomorrow. Scripture: Matthew 6:25-34
Sunday, 2. February 2020 Money - Servant Not Master Preacher Pastor McDonough Scripture: Matthew 6:19-24
Sunday, 26. January 2020 May the Father be with You Preacher Pastor McDonough Scripture: Matthew 6:5-8, Matthew 10:24-39
Sunday, 19. January 2020 Don't Toot Your Own Horn Preacher Pastor McDonough God deserves all the credit, not us! Scripture: Matthew 6:1-8, Matthew 6:16-18