Media - Sermon Archives
Do you believe that Jesus rose from the dead? The sudden appearance of Jesus while his disciples were fishing shows us how He often acts amidst our ordinary, and does the extraordinary.
Something God wants from all of us.
Do you feel as though you don't belong? Do you have unmet desires? That's because here we aren't actually home. But God has made a way for us, as He did for Israel, to come home.
The account of the feeding of the more than 5,000 people is just a miracle. It is also about changing hearts, from selfishness to compassion. Jesus shows us the way to truly love others.
Jesus knows all his sheep's personal needs.
Act like a pit bull.
The reason they make coins round.
We all go through times when it seems we're walking through fog, unable to see clearly ahead of us. Paul's message is don't lose heart. But how? Find out in this apologetics message.
Ever since the curse, the relationship between men and women has been complicated. Sometimes it has been flat-out divisive. See how the blessing of God's unity is a powerful witness in the defense of our faith, and stands out to the world.