Media - Sermon Archives
Join the joyful caravan to Zion.
Joseph gives us a preview of coming attractions
What must I do for eternal life? Who is my neighbor? Jesus answers this question with a story about a compassionate Samaritan, who challenges us all to love broadly.
So far, we've learned that discipleship involves self-denial and self-sacrifice. But what about the third leg of the stool? Self-control involves following Jesus, and is perhaps the most misunderstood fruit of the Spirit.
Someone does.
The central New Testament teaching on Jesus' return.
The call of becoming a disciple is not only to deny ourselves. Jesus calls us to come and die when he says, "Take up your cross." But as Christians, we find the cost is worth it.
What did Jesus mean that his followers must "deny themselves"? It means forsaking selfish ambition and false self, and putting on the attitude of Christ.
There is a right way to cover our sins and a wrong way.